There are many times when you are falsely charged of domestic violence and this is when only the expertise of a criminal defense lawyer can defend you in court against the false charges. It is surely possible to defend yourself and submit a plea against an unfair domestic violence case with the help of a criminal defense attorney. How can you do so? Find out all about in this article below.
Hire an Expert Criminal Defense Attorney
It is virtually unimaginable to think of defending your domestic violence case in the court without the help of a criminal defense lawyer. Only an expert legal professional will be able to battle your case and seek justice. The first thing hence that you need to do is hire an expert lawyer who has the knowledge, abilities, potential and expertise to defend you in court in front of a room full of jury and criminal experts.
Preparation for The Defense
The first step to defend your domestic violence case or verdict in the courtroom in front of the jury and judges is to prepare. How can you prepare for the defense? You can begin by gathering all vital information and evidences of the case. You can gather all evidences that are 100% accurate or have the minimalistic possibility of being connected to your innocence in any way possible. Your criminal defense lawyer is surely going to help you prepare for the defenses in best possible ways. He might even be able to suggest some evidences that only an expert mind can think of.
Look for Witnesses
Another very important thing you need to do is to look for witnesses that would support your honesty and innocence in the courtroom. Photographs could be photo shopped or morphed, audios or videos could be tampered but it is definitely hard to challenge what a living person recounts.
Plea for Bail
One of the most initial things that you will need to do in court is put up a plea for bail. Domestic violence charges normally mean that you are immediately arrested or put on a refraining order. Either ways you will be kept in custody of the police and will not have any freedom left whatsoever. Hence, the first thing you should do is plea for bail. You will have to pay some amount of money for it but this is a crucial thing to do if you want to stay out of prison before the final sentence comes from court.
Trials and Challenging Final Decision of Court
After all preparations have been made to defend your domestic violence charges in court – your case trials in the court will begin. After a number of trials, the court will make its decision. If you are proven guilty and do not agree with the decision, you can always challenge the decision of the judges and jury in higher court with help of your criminal defense lawyer.