When it comes to replacing or installing air conditioners in your home, Mitsubishi Ductless AC tops the list. Many people have concerns regarding Ductless AC, but those who have opted for it know it is the best option.
Ductless Air Conditioner
There are many myths which people have regarding Ductless air conditioners which are going to be exposed below.
Ductless AC Is Only for New Houses
This myth is wrong. It is true that more and more people who are constructing or shifting in new houses are opting for Ductless air conditioning systems but these systems can even be installed in old houses. Unlike ducted air conditioners, they do not need a whole set but it can even be installed in an additional room in the house. If you are ever thinking about a Ductless AC Replacement then go for Mitsubishi Ductless AC.
Ductless Leads to Poor Air Quality
This myth is also wrong. In fact, Ductless air conditioning purified the air most as all the separate refrigerant have their own filters which keep the dust and dirt particles away and filters out the smallest of bacteria particles and gives out pure cool air and they also reduce humidity. Pure and clean air leads to fewer allergies and nasal problems. It is also proved that Ductless air conditioners give purer air than the traditional AC units. However, it is advisable to get a maintenance check once a year and change filter every 3 months.
Ductless Leads to The Uneven Air Distribution
Window ACs have this issue that there will be cool air near the unit and warmer air away from the unit but Ductless gives off a uniform cool air throughout the whole room.
They Are Noisy
The previous systems were a bit noisy but now due to innovation and technological advancement, the Ductless AC units have house reduction technology. The Mitsubishi Ductless AC will give uniform cooling with pure air quality and without any noise.
They Use Up A Lot of Energy
The Ductless AC units are the newest technology and are extremely energy efficient. They will save your energy and will reduce your electricity bills and conserve energy for the future.
They Are Hard to Install
The installation process is very simple and easy. Since there is no ductwork required, the installation costs are also low and it is a straightforward process which can easily be put into action in your house renovation.
They Look Bad Aesthetically
Ductless air conditioning systems are also known as mini-splits and they are not big and bulky like the regular splits but a smaller version. In fact, they look quite good in a room. If you compare it with a ducted AC unit then they will be bigger but it is a sleek design which is placed high on your ceiling and can blend in with any interior.
It Does Not Last Long
The Ductless AC units can last you quite a long time if you regularly get it checked for maintenance by an expert. However, you should go for a Ductless AC Replacement if your unit is working for over 15 years. It is more cost effective to get a Ductless AC Replacement NY rather than get it repaired.