Permanent hair straightening is simply a loose term that refers to chemically straightened hair. These treatments are hence, chemical treatments. The type of results that you will ultimately get depend on the procedure that you have chosen. For instance, if you go to a keratin treatment salon for keratin treatment, you could get straight hair for as long as 3 months.
These type of hair treatments last until new hair take the place of the treated hair. Since they last for three months or more, they are often referred to as permanent hair straightening treatments. Other similar treatments include thermal straightening, Brazilian blowout, and Japanese hair treatment. However, they often have very similar characteristics.
Everything that you should know about permanent hair straightening
In this article, we put together everything that you need to know about permanent hair straightening. Each of the treatment that we will discuss in this article has a different formula and process. While some of these treatments come in the form of kits that can be bought and used at home, other treatments require you to visit a salon. Otherwise, the other types of treatments will not really bring the results that you are expecting.
The different types of permanent straightening treatments include the following:
Professional permanent hair straightening
A perm treatment refers to a treatment that change the structure of the hair follicle completely. As a result of this, perm treatments are associated with curls in the hair. So, using such treatments, once can either get curly hair or get straight hair that were not there previously.
Sometimes, permanent treatments at a salon may take more than a few hours. Furthermore, the cost of such treatments often varies. However, they typically start around $60 and can go up to $1000 depending on the treatment and the salon that you are visiting.
Semi-permanent hair straightening
Semi-permanent hair straightening techniques refer to methods in which the hair’s texture changes for only about 3 to 5 months. Sometimes, these procedures involve several salon visits. These type of treatments can cost about $150 or more.
Thermal straightening
Japanese thermal straightening, which is also referred to as acid perm treatments, are quite similar to traditional permanent treatments. Many people think that they are the same as keratin treatments, however his is not really the case.
A thermal straightening process may involve a number of hours spent in a salon. As a result of this, they often happen to be far more expensive as compared to other treatment. Typically, they start out from $200 and can go up to $1500.
Is permanent hair straightening even worth it?
Well, you cannot really get natural results from any type of hair straightening method. However, what you can certainly achieve are near to natural results. So, depending on the results that you desire and your expectations, permanent hair straightening can be worth it. However, in case you have unrealistic expectations or expect the results to last forever, you are in for a bad surprise!
In that case, permanent hair straightening will not be suitable for you. After all, you cannot really change your genes now can you.
Ending note
Sometimes, after the hair treatment, if you end up sweating too much, you will be able to smell the chemicals from the hair. Usually, this is a sign of a cheap treatment. In that case, you will be walking around and inhaling all the harmful chemicals. So, make sure that you are always getting the best quality treatment from a reliable Japanese hair straightening salon Potomac. In this case, cheaper services will simply ruin your entire look! Hence, they are not worth it.