Allergy season is right around the corner and there are a lot of outbreaks of allergic reactions. If you feel like you’re suddenly allergic to pollen, visit an allergy center for diagnosis and read below to learn more about it.
What Is Pollen Allergy?
Allergies are caused by certain things, which are a part of nature or any food, known as allergens. Allergens are triggering species that go into the immune system through the nose, mouth, or even eyes and from there, you will start to experience the common allergy symptoms.
The allergens basically go into the bloodstream and your immune system begins to activate its fight or flight mode, in which it forms antibodies to fight against the foreign trigger. But sometimes, the immune system is unable to produce antibodies and this can lead to you feeling extremely sick and having the worst symptoms of allergy. Now, pollen allergy works in the same way, but the main trigger or culprit is pollen.
Pollen is abundantly found in the spring and summertime when flowers are beginning to bloom and the small pollen can be easily drifted from one place to another through air and water.
They can come in contact with your body and can stick to your clothes or skin and if you don’t change your clothes right away, pollen grains can easily go into your body and cause severe allergies, accompanied by grave symptoms.
Can You Suddenly Get Allergic To Pollen?
The short answer is yes, you can get allergies to pollen suddenly even if you have no history of having allergies before. Here are some reasons why you can get allergic to pollen.
Genetics Can Play A Huge Role
Genetics are complex and their understanding can be hard, but it does play a huge role in making you develop allergies. Not all genes are the same and people can develop allergies later in life. Although it’s quite uncommon for people to develop allergies late, it’s not entirely impossible. About one-sixth of adults are prone to allergies in later life and this is all because of genes and the chromosomal makeup of humans.
Change In Surrounding
Maybe you haven’t been allergic to pollen, because you’ve never been exposed to it in the first place. This is also quite common for people to experience. Any change in the surrounding, like moving to a new place with more greenery, moving somewhere else in the city, or simply being exposed to more nature can lead to allergies.
If you haven’t been exposed to a single pollen grain in your life, then you obviously won’t be allergic to it, and your body won’t show it either. So, suddenly being exposed to pollen can turn things around pretty fast.
Weak Immune System
As you get older or there is a sudden change in your diet, your immune system gets weaker and weaker and the ability to fight against allergy triggers gets less as well. This can be a huge reason why people develop allergies later on when they’re a lot older and weak. This is because their defense mechanism, aka the immune system, is not cooperating with them anymore.
Make sure that you keep your immune system in a good condition because this is the backup you need when your body is fighting against diseases.
Too Much Exposure
Last but not least, too much exposure to pollen can actually worsen your allergies and make them prominent as well as increase the severity of allergy symptoms. You might be already allergic to pollen, but because the severity and the exposure is low, you might not even feel the symptoms come and go.
When the exposure increases, due to any reason, whether it be the nature of your job, increase in outdoor activities, etc. the severity of symptoms can increase, alternatively decreasing the fighting capability of your immune system. So, the amount of exposure matters a lot in this case.
There you have it! Now that you know the reasons why you’re getting allergic to pollen, you can try to eliminate or lessen the symptoms with the right preventative measures and medication. Make sure you go to an allergy specialist who can prescribe the right medication.